When you stop by, and see a post that falls under the category of Nursing, or that’s talking about medical/nursing stuff, don’t walk on by! Stop, and read it, because there’s no reason not to, and sometimes there’s every reason to.
I realized that the Nursing Category is really starting to grow, and that I am blogging more and more about nursing stuff. Today, as a matter of fact, I was going to write something nursing-related, but then I decided I needed more information. I begun wondering if I shouldn’t start a separate blog exclusively about nursing stuff, just like I have one about programming and coding stuff. I still might, if it all starts getting so technical that I feel it warrants its own space, but because nursing is such a big part of my life, there will be posts on here that relate to nursing.
So why should you read them if you have no interest in nursing? Because it’s important stuff. It may not be affecting you right now, but it could.
Knowledge is the first step in empowerment. When you know, you are in a better place to make decisions, to think clearly, to not get overwhelmed. Too many times I see people make decisions, bad decisions, imprudent decisions, hasty decisions, ill-advised decisions, because they don’t know.
It may be you, or your parent, or your sibling, or your spouse… maybe not right now, but sometime int the future. Start equipping yourself.
My true learning is just about to begin, in a few weeks, after I graduate. And as I learn, I will share what I know, either here on this blog, or on other places with a link here. So don’t skip those posts, because you do need to know.
Besides, I think knowing stuff is sexy, don’t you?
I read all your blogs. Although you may think the nursing ones may be the least interesting to us, I would have to say that the wii posts are the ones that bore me to death. Unless of course they are about Ely beating the game.
p.s. I think you’re sexy.
Just for that, I’m going to play lots of Wii this weekend and post about it… lol.
p.s. I think I’m sexy too – 🙂