Today I had my very last lecture of nursing school! I walked into class, placed my bag down, and said to everyone in the room, “Can you guys believe this is our very last day of lecture together ever?” There was a slight moment of silence, not because people had forgotten, but because there was something about hearing it said that I think made it even more real.
What made it more poignant was that it was also the instructor’s last class at the school, and we are the last class that the current Dean is graduating. A lot of lasts. A lot of finales.
We had a good lecture, then went to the formal luncheon I mentioned in yesterday’s post, and then back for the second half of class. After lecture I gave my friend Chris a hug for sitting next to me all through nursing school, putting up with my dorky comments, gracing me with her interesting facial expressions whenever someone said something weird in class (and believe me, that happened a LOT), and for being there. I also gave my instructor a big hug to say thank you for investing herself in me, for sharing her wealth of knowledge, and for being a wonderful instructor. I could have hugged every single person in that classroom and I would have had a unique reason for hugging each person, because it really has been an amazing journey with amazing people, but then I think they would all have thought they’ve underestimated my weirdness all this time…
Tomorrow and Wednesday I have my last clinicals, and then Thursday is a day off for all those who never missed a clinical day this semester, so I get to sleep in and rest some. Monday morning we do the final exam and then start the senior elective.
It’s winding down… yes it is!
I never got a hug!
I know. I’m saving yours for the right time, and I have plenty of really unique reasons for it, for the most part… :). Don’t worry, it’s coming… when you least expect it!!