The Winds of Change are blowing in my life yet again.
This is going to be a month of transitions for me. It definitely looks like I will officially resume the role of full-time student sometime in the middle of this month. I’ve already actually started classes, and so far the transition is kicking my butt. It will probably get better once I’m not working since I’ll have more time to study.
It’s not easy taking three classes and working full time, especially when I’m all out of sorts emotionally. I’ve been having a hard time with the whole thing with my employer, mostly because I wish they had listened to me and started processing my paperwork when I asked them to, but I’m getting over it.
I have always been a firm believer that all things eventually work themselves out, and you’ll fare better if you allow yourself to bend with the wind, instead of letting it break you. So while I am kind of distressed and a tad pissed off, and definitely nervous about what the future holds, I am also looking at this as a challenge, as the beginning of new things, as a new door to a future that may bring me a lot of pleasant surprises, and I have resolved to live through it to the fullest. But if I seem a little out of sorts over the next few weeks, please bear with me, change is never easy.
Transitions are always filled with mixed emotion!! After you survive the 40 miles of rocky road be ready to soar into a new era.
Remember that you love and are loved–That will get you through any rough patches!!
Love ya–Donna
Thank you for the encouragement. It’s definitely a rough transition for me but I have every intention of thriving through it.