Well, the About page is supposed to be about me, but there’s so much about me in the blog, that there’s no point in talking any more about me. So let me talk about this blog. In these pages you will find all kinds of material, representing the various facets that make up who I am, the fragmented pieces of my existence.
I will be adding sections and pages as I go, and this will always be a work in progress, because my life is a work in progress.
I will share random thoughts and happenings about my life, my ventures, my world. Postings on the blog page are in chronological order, with the most recent at the top.
You probably know this but I’ll say it anyway. All entries are filed under different categories, so that you can select to read only about a particular thing, such as books, or the Wii, or my thoughts, etc.
As you browse these pages I hope that you will find something that captures your interest and makes you want to come back and visit.
[Please note that there may be a delay between when you post your comment and when it becomes live on the website. Be patient, it will show up.]